What to expect

ADNIGHT is a renowned concept with its origins in Amsterdam. An event that in over 8 years saw more than 250 agencies organizing almost 1000 talks, workshops and activities to an audience of well over 30.000 people. This year we are bringing that concept to Brussels for the first time! What can you expect during ADNIGHT? Check out a short video impression:
Program impression
Unlike a conference, ADNIGHT takes place across Brussels inside participating agencies. Therefore, the ADNIGHT program is as diverse as the agencies on the line-up. Agencies have all freedom to present themselves in any way they see fit. There is no way of knowing what the program of this year will look like till we launch it in March. To give an impression, here is a selection of Amsterdam's programs and agencies over the years:
A literal kitchen review at Bistro Chez Springbok (now Dawn) with an advertising themed dinner hosted by De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig's Vjeze Fur
MediaMonks – MMultiverse: where they presented their capabilities across social, film en experiential with multiple 'universes' with installations, ambient media and entertainment.
Journey to the Centre of the Sunny by 72andSunny where they showcased some of their work for brands like Axe and IKEA.
Massive ADNIGHT sessions by MassiveMusic where all visitors created a track together in the Massive ADAM Toren studios.
Truth & Lies in Advertising by 180 Amsterdam where top executives like MediaMonk’s Victor Knaap were hooked to a lie detector and asked hard questions about our profession.
Check out what agencies like Accenture, Ambassadors or Woodwork did over the years.